Monday, January 20, 2003

Saturday we (Drew, Ann & Josh & I) were in a bar down the street here seeing The Shazam and Ann recognized this guy as being from 'Fun Girls from Mt.Pilot'- which is funny because I think they were all guys in drag- (he said No, there were only women in that band but later admitted to being in the band). Ann turned to me to see if I recognized him- I didn't- he looked like an EXTRA short Richard Marx- we mentioned something about Johnson City and he said that he had fond memories of JC- that he used to play there with 'Rednecks In Pain'.(add them to the list) Drew chimed in and realized they had played with Stinky Finger at some point and then the guy was talking about The Highlander. Such a small world.

Also: The Hellion Shoeshine Riders (James, Drew & Russ) I also remember the one-time only appearance at the Casbah of Three Fat Guys Smoking. quote from Drew - "3 Fat Guys Smoking was me, Danny, and Russ. Danny french inhaled, Russ blew a smoke ring, and I stuck a cig in my nose and inhaled, and exhaled through my mouth. Some mullet tried to sell us pot while we were onstage. How could I forget?"


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