Saturday, April 22, 2006

Catfish Special

Friday, April 07, 2006

So many it is hard to keep up with them...

Now news comes that a high ranking republican official in the Defense Dept has been arrested for child pornography. I think this makes four in less than a week, but somebody check my math for me.

Does "GOP" stand for "Group Of Perverts?"

I tell you this, whoever gets elected president next is going to have to give the oval office a darn good scrubbin'!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

In Today's News

So Katie "Slow Pitch" Couric is leaving the Today Show. This is probably just as well. This morning she interveiwed Bill "The only Senator trained to perform abortions" Frist about legeslation he had introduced to create a nationwide registry of sex offenders. In the interveiw she pointed out that this registry would not stop child molesters as so many of them do not have criminal records many are "doctors, lawyers, accountants..." Katie (and I feel we are on a first name basis) didn't mention that they are often REPUBLICAN EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURTIY!!! Ya know, I would have thought something like that might have come up. I mean, she has a guy that is the Senate Majority Leader, 4th in line to the President, a guy that was instrumental in creating the Dept of Homeland Security, talking about child molesters, and not once did she think "Hey I should ask him about those perverts that are working at the DHS!!!!" Nope that didn't work it's way into the conversation at all...

Surprisingly, she did think to ask Frist if he thought that the Tom Delay affair would hurt republicans in the fall (he didn't think so by the way)but she forgot to ask:

"Is your filing of the sex offender registry bill so quickly have anything to do with the flak you Republicans are getting for having so many molesters on staff?" or

"Do you think that so many republican officials actually being child molesters will undermine republican credibility when it comes to stopping child molesters?" or

"Gosh Senator, with so many republicans getting nabbed trolling for 14 year olds online do you really think the republicans have any moral authority on this issue? or

"Gee Senator Frist, which are there more of, Republicans that have taken illegal money from Abramoff or Republican child molesters at DHS?" or

"Senator, is it true many republican officials favor twenty seven year olds simply because there are twenty of them?"

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Just when you thought that Delay's resignation was the first step in reducing republican crime in the greater DC metro area, this gem comes to us from the Tampa Tribune:

"A Department of Homeland Security deputy press secretary was arrested this evening on charges that he was using a computer to seduce a child.

Brian Doyle, 55, was arrested at 7:45 p.m. in his Silver Springs, Maryland home on 23 charges related to the use of a computer to seduce a child and transmitting harmful materials to a minor after a joint investigation by the Polk County Sheriff’s office, Florida State Attorney Jerry Hill’s office and the Department of Homeland Security."

You just can't make this stuff up.....