Thursday, April 29, 2004

You Neo Cons sure can pickem' (not from a left field source)

From Reuters:

NEW YORK, April 28 (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush's approval rating is at an all-time low and fewer than half of Americans now believe invading Iraq was the right thing to do, according to a CBS/New York Times poll released on Wednesday.

The poll found that if the presidential election due in November was held today, 46 percent of Americans would vote for Democrat John Kerry and 44 percent would vote for Bush

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Straight From the Boss

What if the elderly on that bus, instead of going to Canada to get thier meds, joined the Texas Air Guard to get them, then went AWOL and deserted in Alabama? Would the FDA sanction that???

Straight Talk

Certain neo cons are saying that Kerry should shoot straight with the people about throwing his medals on the capitol steps, hhhhhmmm last time he shot straight he killed 20 Viet Cong; does that clear up the medal issue for you? or do you need to know how many enemy soldiers were killed from air raids in Texas??

Damn, Pat Boone, personal embodiment of evil,,,,, who would have ever thought it.......

Have enjoyed the blog the past week, though I have not had time to post to it, and I look forward to further sermons. Does anyone else find it surreal that Bush Inc. is questioning one of Kerry's Purple Hearts? Are they trying to say that making a Texas beer run is as dangerous as getting shot at by Viet cong? And why is it that all the White House folks that have attacked Kerry's war record are the ones that themselves never served at all? You havent heard Powell say anything about it at all,, but Chickenhawk Cheney has questioned if one of the three purple hearts was legitimate. Its as though I am listening to a losing player following a high school football game saying "Sure they beat us 45 to nothing, but that field goal shouldnt count cause the noseguard was off sides,,,,"

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

THE Mary Beth Tobar??

Was the comment on the last post by THE Mary Beth Tobar????

Saturday, April 17, 2004

RE: Andy Boy Link

Not sure what happened to it, but Bush is sure to blame Clinton,,,,,

Thursday, April 15, 2004

News from the Bush CIA

The director of the CIA has now said it will take 5 years to make the changes necessary in America's Intelligence,,,, The Democratic Party is working to make it happen in more like 7 months,,,,,

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Bush claims Iraq is not another Vietnam

Well, that seems easy enough to figure out, lets ask someone who went to Vietnam; and if we ever need to know if Iraq is another Alabama senate campaign, we will certainly know who to turn to!

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Dang I hate I missed it,,

"I don't plan on losing my job"

Gee George, neither did the millions of folks whose jobs disappeared since you took office,,,,,,,

and my favorite:

"I am a war time deserter"

(OK, actually I may have heard that last one wrong,,,)

Surprising testimony from Ashcroft

He blamed Clinton.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

More Bush News

When Condee testified, and Marines were being shot at in Iraq, Bush spent the day bass fishing in Texas. At last count he had spent over 500 days on vacation or at retreats since "taking" office.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

News from the Bush Leagues

From the August 6, 2001 Presidential briefing described as a historical document by Condee:

"Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in the country consistent with preparations for hijackings and other types of attacks..."

So if you were to say it was strickly a historical document,,,,

But that is not what I want to talk about today, Today I want to talk about the gay marriage issue, and where it comes from.

You know, when Clinton was President, gay marriage was not an issue in the country, so what has brought it to the forefront of sociatal debate? I think it is the morally lapsed Bush administration.

First, on the campaign trail in 2000, he says he favors civil unions,,

Then, you have Dick Cheney' lesibian relatives,,

Finally, you have Mrs. Cheney being the author of "Sisters", a historical novel of lesbian activity on the western frontier,,,,

So, America has allowed this sort of sorid decadence into the oval office, and now we are paying a moral price for it as the Republicans might say.

Back when the President was getting heterosexual blow jobs the country thrived,, but now look at the mess we're in!

Now, like most of the country, I dont give a rats ass about gay marriage, but I am a bit tired of those that do making me feel like I should give a shit. Seriously, prior to the Bush adminstration, you never heard of gay marriage much, so why now? Could it be it's an election year and somebody needs a wedge issue? For example:

Recently the right wingers of the Tennesee Legislature decided it would be a good idea if we had a law that refused to recognize gay marriages from other states, even though no other state currently is clear on recognizing their own,,,, but what makes this bill particularly interesting is that:


Hell, Tennessee doesn't even recognize common law marriage from other states!

But passing bills for photo ops is a long held republican tradition. Recently Bush signed into law "Laci and Conner's Law" designed to protect unborn children from thier mothers attackers. Under this law, if a murder is committed against a woman under federal jurisdiction, and she is pregnant, then it can be a second count of murder for killing the unborn child. Now some would argue that this is the first step in restricting abortion rights, and some may legitimately see it that way (do you charge the extra murder if she is unaware she is pregnant, or is just late?.) I think it is a good law, in fact, it is such a good law that almost every state has had it for years, and it has been tort law for sometime in this country nationwide (a wrongful death on a pregnant woman can result in 2 wrongful death suits, Tennessee requires, like most states, that the fetus be viable.)

But even that misses the point, which is that this law signed by Bush would not have applied in the Peterson case in any event, as she was not killed under federal jurisdiction anyway. Actually, few murders are, most are state crimes and like Petersons case, end up in state court! But that has never stopped this "President" from a good photo op.

Thursday, April 08, 2004


a transcript of Condoillezi's testimoney:

"She sits. Professional. Responsible. Intelligent. Important. The very embodiment of the American dream and work ethic. The true heir to the learned legacy of our Founding Fathers. Condi Rice is smoking hot. A summary of her testimony follows:

Lie, lie, distortion, half-truth, pander, manipulation, pseudo-intellectual bombast. Dodge, dodge, feint, lie, dodge, avoid, subject change, lie, slander, pretentious generalization, character assassination, bald-faced lie.

Oversimplification, undersimplification, condescension, insult, insult, lie, avoidance of responsibility, avoidance of question about avoiding responsibility, cheap political point, utter, malicious lie.

Grimace, slither, dodge, lie, deliberate misinterpretation of history, nonpartisan character disparagement, narrative designed by public-relations experts to create maximum “connection” with American public. Appearance of professionalism, resoluteness, capableness, preparedness. Major omission of lie to create partial truth. Lie for political convenience. Lie for partisan gain. Lie to protect the economic interests of an incredibly small number of people. Reception of flattery. Dispersal of flattery. Abuse of good will afforbed by ten people who are trying to gather evidence without partisan bias. Backhanded dismissal of all criticsism. Denial of any responsibility in orchestrating what will almost certainly become the most tragic and bloody war of this generation.

Rinse and repeat."

Of course, I was not able to watch the testimony, so Mr. Pollack may have a few typos in there...

First look at Condee Testimony

Well it appears the Bush adminstration have settled on thier final 9/11 stratagies,,, 1) we did take the threat seriously, and 2) It's all Clinton's fault.

I guess with Bush the buck stops somewhere else (probably around the $200,000,000 mark..). One wonders if they feel responsible for anything, it seems that although they call on the american people to take responsibilty for thier lives, they refuse to take responsiblity for anything.

It occurs to me that Bush's first lie was when he said "I'm a uniter, not a devider." Perhaps what he meant was that 4th grade math was above his head!

Sunday, April 04, 2004

More News from Planet Bush

308,000 jobs created in March, a new record! Woohoo!!............. but, at the same time, unemployment ROSE a tenth of a point (also to a new record, well, since the Hoover administration) so,, apparently for every job created last month, another job left this country to be outsourced else where. That's ok though, King George II thinks that outsourcing to other nations is good for the economy. As I said in an earlier post, Bush policies have created millions of jobs since he took office, it's just that they are all in China, that is why you haven't noticed them....