Tuesday, September 28, 2004

cure as cure can...

Do It!


Give it a 'clicky' and dance your cares away...

watch you' sef down here, you' hear?

i heard yusef islam (cat stevens) is not on a terrorist list, it is actually Youssef Islam another guy from a different place in the world.

from WKRN:

"The man known to the world as Cat Stevens is well-known at the Islamic Center of Nashville. Back in the 1970s, a small house was used as a mosque for 10 years until enough money was raised to build their current facility. Worshippers at the center say that Yusef helped make that building possible. His $20,000 in donations helped build the current Islamic Center. Leaders at the mosque say that he was not asked to donate, but did it to make good on a promise that he had made to God.

Dr. A.K.M. Fakhrudder of Goodletsville met Yusef 20 years ago, shortly after he converted to Islam and changed his name. He now says that the entertainer is being unfairly punished for his good deeds."

We do homeland security like this:

Timothy McViegh bomb OKC, okay then, all men named Tim have to go to gitmo!

too bad there aren't any petty islamic terrorists name Jorge Buche or
Juan Az Crodpht...
or Deke Chai Nee...

another note: Y.I. Cat stevens was on his way to Nashville to make a record with his daughter.

Terrorists in our midst,,,, part deux

Yesterday Bush made the comment that Kerry could debate himself. Hmmm, at least then he would have some competition!

But I want to talk about Cat Stevens (AKA Yousef Islam.) As we learned from previous posts he has barred from entry into the US last week because he is on the terrorist watch list. Now some would argue that the guy that wrote “Peace Train” (not to be confused with blues master Screamin’ Blind Joe Godsey’s “Peace Train Woman”, but that’s a different story) has no business being on a terrorist watch list. Some would say this is further proof that Ashcroft is out of control.

I say we give Ashcroft and company the benefit of the doubt here.

What I want to know is why Stevens was allowed into the White House 2 months ago to allegedly meet with Bush’s “Faith based charities” team. That’s right gentle readers, this incident is proof of the Bush administrations collusion with terrorists! I guess next Bush will have Bin Laden over for BBQ and to catch the race on Sunday afternoon, or invite Al-queda to the Kennedy Center Awards.

Write your Congressperson and demand to know why Bush is in collusion with terrorists!

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Call me a pansy with a capital p

but I like Cat Stevens - ever since I saw the film, "Harold and Maude" many moon(shadows) ago. OK---so his music does suck; but, dammit, that was a fucking good movie and the fact that he did the soundtrack redeemed his work a bit. and I didn't see that tony not Tony had posted a story on his deportation - as soon as I saw it on the wire, I posted it without catching up on my reading. why am I saying all this? .....

Saturday, September 25, 2004

A faith based post

"WASHINGTON (AP) - The Republican National Committee acknowledged this week that it distributed campaign literature in West Virginia and Arkansas warning voters that liberals want to ban the Bible.

When reporters asked about the mailings on Sept. 17, RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie said he wasn't aware of the material and did not confirm that it was distributed by the GOP. However, Gillespie said it ``could be the work'' of the party.

Contacted Friday by The Associated Press, party spokeswoman Christine Iverson said the GOP had already acknowledged it was the source of the mass mailings."

I just have one thing to say the the folks that put this out....


My Bible says, right in the Book of Exodus, "Thou shalt not bear false witness." Has anyone at the RNC ever even read the Ten Commmandments?? Lying is a sin. It's in the Bible. You have said the liberals want to ban the Bible. That is a lie. You are liars. Repent you sins and make yourselves right with the Lord.

You want a dirty campaign? Fine! But you have crossed the line into blasphemy and now your souls are at stake. You need to repent and read what the Bible says about the lies you are spreading. It is pretty darn clear what a Christian should do, and bearing false witness is not acceptable. Ya know Republicans, it is the Ten Commandments, not the Ten Suggestions. Have you read them???

For the record I don't think one should use his or her faith to sell a political position or product, and that is not what I am trying to do here. Vote for who ever you want to, but don't be telling lies about your opponent. But I do think most people, knowing that you would lie about faith, will recognize that you will lie about anything. You need to repent, change your ways and bear no more false wittness.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Hello Everybody!

Sorry it has taken so long to write, but things have been busy at the firm and Brook and not Tony have been taking all the good ideas and running with them (much like this sentence) before I had a chance to.

I imagine some are wondering my position on Britney's alleged wedding. Truth is, I don't have one. If she wants to keep playing out these fantasies of hers there is little I can do, but I won't be an enabler and lead her to believe that there is ever a chance of her with me. For the last time Britney, it’s just never going to happen. Please give up these childish attempts to win my affections. You need to grow up. Remember: you’re not a girl, not yet a woman.

Not to flog a dead horse about Vietnam, but when the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush were running their ads, did anyone else think of Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a Redneck” jokes? I keep having his voice ringing in my ears saying :

“If you think four months in Alabama is more dangerous than four months in the Me Kong delta,,,,, You might be a republican.....”


“If you think lying about a blue dress is worse than lying about weapons of mass destruction, you might be a republican!”

Anyone else have any suggestions? Or would you prefer a new Haiku contest??

1000 dead now
Our sons and daughters, not yours
Bite me George. Bite me.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Jon Stewart is my personal saviour

Daily Show Senior Media Correspondent Stephen Colbert gives post mortem on forged document story:

JON STEWART: Well Stephen, what do you think is going to happen now at CBS News?

STEPHEN COLBERT, Daily Show Senior Media Correspondent: Jon, there's got to be some accountability. Dan Rather is the head, the commander in chief if you will of his organization. He's someone in the ultimate position of power who made a harmful decision based upon questionable evidence. Then, to make things worse, he stubbornly refused to admit his mistake, choosing instead to stay the course and essentially occupy this story for too long. This man has got to go!

STEWART: Uh ... we're talking about Dan Rather...?

COLBERT: Yes Jon, Dan Rather. CBS is in chaos, it's unsafe, riven by internal rivalries. If you ask me, respected, reputable outsiders need to be brought in to help the rebuilding effort.

STEWART: ... at CBS News?

COLBERT: Yeah, at CBS news! What possible other unrelated situation could my words be equally applicable to?! Now people need to be held accountable. The commander in chief, the vice president, the secretary of defense, the national security adviser -- everyone at CBS News needs to go! Jon, I can tell you, Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave.

STEWART: Walter Cronkite is still alive.

COLBERT: Not according to my sources ... at CBS News.

Why do they look British?

John Kerry's band -- The Electras -- there's samples!


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

cat outta bag

those euro bastard news folk report things you won't hear from foxnewz, like:

"Islam(cat stevens) has spoken out against the Russian school massacre and the September 11 terror attacks.
After September 11, he said: “No right-thinking follower of Islam could possibly condone such an action.”
“It seems that the US officials would rather that the untrue and distorted images of Islam and Muslims persist in the minds of its own citizens.”

found in a taxi floorboard in DC...

Bush says Iraq is "The Enemy." (what's up with that?)

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa. -- President Bush mocked John Kerry's credentials to be commander in chief Wednesday, saying the way to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq "is not to wilt or waver or send mixed signals to the enemy." Kerry suggested that Bush, far from bringing American forces home, might instead bring back the military draft.

Cat Stevens Deported

(AP) — Former pop singer Cat Stevens, a Muslim, was deported to Britain on Wednesday after U.S. officials said his activities could be "linked to terrorism" and his name was put on a U.S. no-fly list.
Arab-Americans and Muslims in Britain voiced outrage over the treatment of Stevens, who changed his name to Yusuf Islam when he shelved his singing and songwriting career and became a Muslim almost three decades ago.
He was seen being escorted by U.S. security officials onto a United Airlines flight at Dulles International Airport bound for London's Heathrow Airport on Wednesday evening.
Homeland Security spokesman Brian Doyle said Islam's Washington D.C.-bound plane was diverted on Tuesday to Bangor, Maine, after his name turned up on U.S. lists of suspected terrorists. He was questioned by officials and then taken to Boston to catch a connecting flight in Washington for London.
"Why is he on the watch lists? Because of his activities that could be potentially linked to terrorism. The intelligence community has come into possession of additional information that further raises our concern," Doyle said.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

yet another reason for southern men not to bathe or brush

"Conservatives urge P&G boycott
Christian groups go after Crest, Tide due to company's opposition to Cincinnati anti-gay statute.
September 17, 2004: 3:01 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Conservative Christian groups are urging a boycott of two of consumer product maker Procter & Gamble's key products, charging the company is aligning itself with gay rights groups, according to a published report.

The New York Times said Friday that James Dobson of Focus on the Family and the Rev. Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association are angry at P&G for a statement on the company's internal Web site opposing an anti-gay rights statute in its hometown of Cincinnati. The law exempts gays and lesbians from special civil rights protection.

The two influential conservatives charge that by opposing the Cincinnati statute, the company is joining a push to allow same-sex marriage. They are urging supporters to boycott Crest toothpaste and Tide laundry detergent. "

nightmare's, stinky finger-ers', final curtaineers et al beware: mohammed can be bad for your career

WASHINGTON-- A plane bound for Washington from London was diverted to Maine on Tuesday after passenger Yusuf Islam-- formerly known as pop singer Cat Stevens-- showed up on a U.S. watch list, federal officials said.

United Airlines Flight 919 had already taken off from London en route to Dulles International Airport when the match was made between the passenger and the watch list, said Nico Melendez, a spokesman for the Transportation Security Administration.

The plane was met by federal agents at Maine's Bangor International Airport around 3 p.m., Melendez said.

Federal officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, identified the individual as Islam.

One official said Islam, 56, was identified by the Advanced Passenger Information System, which requires airlines to send passenger information to U.S. Customs and Border Protection's National Targeting Center. TSA was then contacted and requested that the plane land at the nearest airport, the official said.

"He was interviewed and denied admission to the United States on national security grounds," said Homeland Security spokesman Dennis Murphy. He said the man would be put on the first available flight out of the country Wednesday.

Islam, who was born Stephen Georgiou, took Cat Stevens as a stage name and had a string of hits in the 1960s and '70s, including "Wild World" and "Morning Has Broken." Last year he released two songs, including a re-recording of his '70s hit "Peace Train," to express his opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

In a statement on his Web site, he wrote, "Crimes against innocent bystanders taken hostage in any circumstance have no foundation whatsoever in the life of Islam and the model example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."

now i am in the mood to watch harold and maude... again.

In search of

Anybody got a current phone number for that dang Roland? email me if ya do.

Fall's finally here and this year everyone will be wearing brown shirts

At some point we have to just accept the fact we are living in a weird pre-Brazil dictatorship. The lighting isn't as dramatic, but there's just as much plastic surgery and it's equally distopic. Our cultural moment has combined economic collapse, war, environmental surrender and reality television. We're nothing if not thorough in our descent into darkness.

Kvetching over beer and shellfish about Bush's ham-fisted quest for empire is therapeutic, but isn't there something we could be doing to stop him? Bush hijacked the war on terrorism and LIED to send us headlong into a shocking mess in the Middle East. This isn't Grenada or some little southeast Asian backwater. This is ground zero for every apocalyptic religion's apocalypse, basically. If shit is going to get shitty, it's going to get shitty there.

Meanwhile, all the news can talk about is the typography of the CBS memos. No one has noticed that Bush ran like a little bitch from fighting his beloved Vietnam war. Hello, this is page-one-over-the-fold GOLD.

For the record -- at Yale, Bush was known to support few things passionately. The Vietnam War was one. Competitive drinking was another. Oh and, weird homoerotic frat-boy gamesmanship was the last. Bush is the ultimate "Fag Basher" of Stinky Finger lore. Loud, stupid, drunken fratbot. Memos or not -- this is the truth behind the CBS story. And the story about Smirky the Drunken Trust Fund Dick is a lot more interesting than fonts and superscripts. Imagine Chris Matthews or Tim Russart actually talking about the 'real issue' of Bush being a fuck-wad. "Tonight on Hardball -- Bush is a dick or what?"

Gonna bash that fucked-up pansy in his fucked-up face.

How does it happen that the media misses this story? I don't care what side of the fence you vote from, giving ink to the Commander-In-Chief's personal history as a lout -- a fraud -- a scallywag -- a pussy -- and (oh lets say) a narcissistic dry drunk -- can't be bad for any media outlet's bottom line. This is the kind of story that captures the public imagination. BUT, as wholly-owned subsidies of General Electric and other defense industries, the media is as likely to cover this and give Kerry equal time, as a congregation of ammonia-belching monkeys are likely to throw my next birthday party. Unless people are thinking for themselves (and these are American people we are talking about) lets face it, we are in for four more years of Bush, then seven years of Ashcroft. Which will be followed by three days of darkness before frogs and menstrual blood rain down from the sky when Rapture finally happens and we'll be rid of the fucking Fundamentalists and can get back to having some semblance of a civilization once and for all.

Gonna knock that pansy queer back to his rightful place.

I've tried to comfort myself with Reason. As in "Reason will triumph." The People will not stand for such a blatant misuse of power. The People will not stand for lying us into a global war. The People will not stand for using our tax money AND our young men and women as cannon fodder for the Thanatonic ecstasy of of a handful of Pentecostals and leftover dingle-berries from the Nixon administration. The People will not tolerate Treason. Blah blah blah. Reason has not triumphed. The People could care less about Treason or Reason or anything more complicated than an episode of CSI: Miami. The People are too busy refinancing their mortgages, shopping for awesome ripped-up cargo pants at the outlet mall, and painting faux finishes to give a shit about creeping fascism. Our future grows darker and everyday as the drums beat louder.

We're the Lords of Hatred -- Delta Gamma Master Race.

If there's a Platonic Form for the Stinky's Fag Basher, it is smirking at us from the ether because we've quaffed the ruffies.

What's next, indeed.

Get out of my way you faggot.

Friday, September 17, 2004

'San Francisco Gate' columnist Mark Morford is almost always a good read. His cynical wit just slays me, but his recent column was more on the sad and resigned side.
Check it out: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2004/09/15/notes091504.DTL&nl=fix

Damn, Johnny Ramone is dead.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

lets go back in time...

...shrink government “down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.”
-Grover Norquist, professional neocon moron.

you know, watching all the cool satellite images of hurricane Frances and Ivan and thinking, if not for NOAA, a government agency, a whole bunch of people would be dead already. and many more tomorrow. ranks up there with a ye-olde-fashioned-family-value-neo-genocide.

only 47 more days til regime change...

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

pow pow pow...

"It makes no sense for assault weapons to be around our society."
GWB August 1999.

September 13, 2004


Sunday, September 12, 2004

Kids these days

I'm in school again at etsu. In one of my classes, i witnessed a telling conversation among two kids who were talking about the fact that they will be voting for the first time in November. Listening to them, one could hear the words of their parents flowing out of their mouths (I immediately recalled the day when I, too, was a young Republican). The guy said, "If Kerry wins, this country is doomed." The girl said, "I know! Did you know that he killed a 15-year-old while he was in Vietnam?"


To conclude: Only 54 percent of registered voters went to the polls in 2000.

fortunate sons don't drill

(from a new investigation by US News and World Report... and welcome back Bill)

A review of the regulations governing Bush's Guard service during the Vietnam War shows that the White House used an inappropriate--and less stringent--Air Force standard in determining that he had fulfilled his duty. Because Bush signed a six-year "military service obligation," he was required to attend at least 44 inactive-duty training drills each fiscal year beginning July 1. But Bush's own records show that he fell short of that requirement, attending only 36 drills in the 1972-73 period, and only 12 in the 1973-74 period. The White House has said that Bush's service should be calculated using 12-month periods beginning on his induction date in May 1968. Using this time frame, however, Bush still fails the Air Force obligation standard.

Moreover, White House officials say, Bush should be judged on whether he attended enough drills to count toward retirement. They say he accumulated sufficient points under this grading system. Yet, even using their method, which some military experts say is incorrect, U.S. News 's analysis shows that Bush once again fell short. His military records reveal that he failed to attend enough active-duty training and weekend drills to gain the 50 points necessary to count his final year toward retirement.

The U.S. News analysis also showed that during the final two years of his obligation, Bush did not comply with Air Force regulations that impose a time limit on making up missed drills. What's more, he apparently never made up five months of drills he missed in 1972, contrary to assertions by the administration. White House officials did not respond to the analysis last week but emphasized that Bush had "served honorably."

Hey everybody!

Sorry for being gone so long but it feels good to be back, got my snark engine refilled, etc etc,,, Marilyn says hi!.

Anyway, today I wanna talk about superscripts and IBM seletrics.

CBS has recently come forth with with document proporting to confirm that Boy George was a deserting coward. Rightwing loonies all over the net swarmed onto these documents to offer thier opinions that they were forgeries (and how that is different from anything the Swift Boat Veterans For Bush did is beyond me...) Anyway, thier whiney ass crys of fraud center on two things, a raised "th" called a superscript, and that the type face (Times-News Roman.) These folks would have us beleive that although the IBM Selectric was availible with supersripting at the time, it was not in use by the government. That seems strange, since the documents from 1968 released by the White House to confirm Bush didn't desert earlier this year, typed and signed by the same guy from the same base, also have a raised superscript, and that was 3 years earlier. Yep, you heard that right, the repubs would have us beleive that documents produced 3 years earlier would have more advanced technology than in 1971.

The other main "proof" they offer is that the type font, times-news roman, was not availible in 1971. The folks that hold the copyright on that particular font have pointed out though that it was first used in 1931, a full 40 years earlier.

No wonder the deficit is swelling, these folks just ain't good with numbers.

By the way, each person should give to the Florida releif effort as they are able.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

pissin' accomplished

' DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) "It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States," Cheney told about 350 supporters at a town-hall meeting in this Iowa city.'

this doesn't sound like what the man who is a hit of nitro/zapping pace-makers beat away from being formally coronated president should be mouthing. this sounds more like a sweaty guy, on the ropes, desperate to keep his job so the truth won't have to come out.

so our choice is re-elect the criminal warprofiteers or doom, doom, doom!

looks like a 54 day scare-the-populace-a-thon. well i say, fuck that.

the article further states:

"In Iraq, the vice president said, the United States has taken out a leader who used weapons of mass destruction against his own people and harbored other terrorists."

a little background here: when Saddam gassed the Kurds during the Bush 41 years, Senator Claiborne Pell wanted to put sanctions on the $500 Million in agriculture credits the US was giving Iraq, Bush, said "pish posh" and sent "Ruinsfeld" over there with $1 Billion dollars in aid the next year(1989).

"harbored other terrorists"
During the 1970's Iraq was on the list of countries who support terrorists and were sanctioned by the carter admin. But in 1982 when Sadaam was having trouble with the Iranians, he kicked the Abu Nidal Black June terrorists out of the country and George Schultz had IRAQ taken off the said list and we started sending them WMD materials and wheat and rice. Did I meantion we started sending them chemicals for weapons of mass destruction?


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

turn it up...

I had to appropriate the following post for your enjoyment. It's too think-able to keep to myself...it is linked to the original brainfart.


"I've long wondered why anyone would take seriously the notion that the country as a whole ought to adopt the low-tax, low-wage, no-union, no-regulation formula that's brought such a lack of economic success to the Deep South, but if I were to say that I'd be castigated as some kind of northeastern elitist, so I'll just quote son-of-the-south Ed Kilgore instead:
If you had to identify one simple reason for [the South's] grinding poverty, it was the perpetual delusion of southern political and business leaders that the region had to stay poor and dumb in order to attract the capital necessary to eventually climb out of the ditch. Like some of today's third world countries, the South, right up to the 1970s, was paralyzed by the idea that decent wages, unionization, protection of natural resources, business regulation, progressive taxes, and quality education were all impossible because they would "price" the region out of opportunities for economic development. All of the South's social and economic weaknesses were perceived as essential to maintaining a "good business climate." And that benighted belief also helped perpetuate Jim Crow, since the ability to keep roughly a third of the region's population in semi-serfdom gave the South a cost advantage no other part of the country could ever meet.

Gradually, by the 1970s and 1980s, southern political leaders, and even many business leaders, woke up to the fact that deliberately maintaining a low standard of living wasn't worth the paltry payoff in low-wage textile jobs. And slowly but surely, a consensus developed that decent education and adequate public services were positive, not negative, factors in long-term economic development. The states that pursued this "high road" strategy--especially North Carolina and Georgia--tended to prosper. The states that stayed on the low road--especially Mississippi and Alabama--didn't.

That's why it is so profoundly depressing to see the theory of economic development that my home region finally began to abandon over the last few decades now being embraced by the national government as the way for America to successfully compete in a global economy.
Quite so. This is also the theme of Michael Lind's fascinating book, Made in Texas (at least when he isn't casting aspersions on all people of Scotch-Irish descent). The most recent iteration of Bush's stump speech says "I believe in the energy, innovation, and spirit of America's workers and small business owners, and farmers, and ranchers. And that is why we unleashed that spirit with the largest tax cut in a generation." Leave aside the question of whether the tax cut was really aimed at "small business owners, and farmers, and ranchers" (and the president's odd refusal to note the absolutely vital role played by giant corporations -- think Boeing, Microsoft, Disney -- in the American success story) and ask yourself: Exactly which terrible things were going on in the economy before this spirit was unleashed?

Well, there weren't any. The entreprenurial spirit of the country was hardly in shackles during the 1990s. The economy can grow just fine under the old, higher tax rates. What it can't do is finance the costs of running the federal government under the new, lower rates.

--Matthew Yglesias "

Sunday, September 05, 2004

who would jesus boo

Audience boos as Bush offers best wishes for Clinton's recovery

WEST ALLIS, Wis. (AP) President Bush on Friday wished Bill Clinton ``best wishes for a swift and speedy recovery.''

"He's is in our thoughts and prayers,'' Bush said at a campaign rally.

Bush's audience of thousands in West Allis, Wis., booed. Bush did nothing to stop them.

Bush offered his wishes while campaigning one day after accepting the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in New York. Clinton was hospitalized in New York after complaining of mild chest pain and shortness of breath.

Bush recently praised Clinton when the former president went to the White House for the unveiling of his official portrait. He lauded Clinton for his knowledge, compassion and ``the forward-looking spirit that Americans like in a president.''

Thursday, September 02, 2004


"...America, in a coma... to lie in for four years. When I woke up, I went on what the movie advertisements refer to as a 'roaring rampage of revenge.' I roared. And I rampaged. And I got bloody satisfaction. I've killed a hell of a lot of people to get to this point, but I have only one more. The last one. The one I'm driving to right now. The only one left. And when I arrive November 2, 2004*, I am gonna kill Zell."**

*A national election is scheduled to occur in the USA on this date. If you know or have knowledge of any citizens with the proper credentials please inform them of their duties/rights as citizens to particpate in afforementioned forum.

**note: "I" refers to all people offended by the RNC jingo picnic in MSG the week of August 30- September 2. No actual senators, or political traitors, living or already dead, were injured or othewise endangered in the making of this film script. Any resemblence to events real or unreal are coincidental and not to be confused with frat pranks, but may be filed under: a) the "blowing off of steam."; b) over the top metaphor for the outcome of alledged national election (see *).

now that i have this blog all too myself.

I saw a documentary the other day about "the world's worst jobs and the people who perform them" and the two that stuck out were:

the nurse who has to give Manhatten a soul-enema on Friday afternoon;

and the grim reaper, who unfortunately, will someday (No, I don't know when, goddamnit, really); but dj GR will be forced by contractual obligation, to collect the shrivelled peachpit aka, the soul of Zell.